
Beautiful Gate, Glasgow is able to function largely due to the selfless commitment of our workers and volunteers, popularly referred to as our “workforce”, who give their time to run various departments and ministries during the week and at the various activities that take place over each weekend and at other times. The activities of these volunteers are coordinated by a leadership structure made up of pastors, deacons, ministers and heads of various departments and ministries. The church’s administrative activities are coordinated from within the church office, where a dedicated team of staff function under clearly defined sections and divisions geared towards meeting the objectives of the organisation.

Our ministries are designed to cater for specific needs of members of the church and the community. So what are you waiting for? Fill the Workers' Enrolment Interest form and GET INVOLVED in The Kingdom Service.

To join our Ministries in Beautiful Gate, Glasgow,  CLICK HERE

Ministry List

At the All-the Way department of Beautiful Gate, Glasgow, we strive to offer confidential Bible-based spiritual guidance and support to anyone dealing with difficult situations or circumstances. We are committed to offering confidential one-on-one Christian guidance. Are you therefore a professional and accredited counsellor or do you have passion for this endeavour and wish to be trained, please contact the church office for more information.

We are aware that lots of people go through challenging situations and sometimes all they need is someone to offer a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, or someone to help bring the wisdom of God to bear in the situation and our team, supported by members of the spiritual leadership of Beautiful Gate, Glasgow do just that.

At Beautiful Gate Academy, our mission is to support believers (both new and old) to:

  • Becoming a disciplined follower (a disciple) of Christ,
  • Make genuine heartfelt life commitment to Christ in their daily endeavours

Teachings at BGA are delivered with total simplicity of heart by men and women with proven testimonies of their Christian pilgrimage with a commitment to further the vision of our local assembly which is:

To equip man in totality to prosper in all spheres of life (3 John 2) and become a living praise unto God (1 Peter 2:9) by providing unlimited opportunities to:

  • Renew your mind with the word of God (Rom 12:1-2)
  • Equip your Spirit Man as you grow & nurture the fruits of your regenerated spirit (Gal 5:22)
  • Equip yourself with the sword of the Spirit (Hebrews 4:12)
  • The Word that gives life. (John 1:1, 4, 14 KJV)

The BGA provides Christian educational supports to new Christians for solid Christian foundational knowledge through our Christian Foundation Class (BGA Level 1) which leads to Water Baptismal experience of the participants. Please click here for Enrolment Interest Form. At BGA, we also provide Discipleship training for Christians at various stage of Christian growth experiences to better position themselves as “Living proof” disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ through Workers -in -training classes (BGA Level 2), as well as Discipleship Classes (BGA Level 3). Please click here for further information as well as Enrolment Interest form.

Beautiful Judaists (BJ) is a ministry made up of friendly and talented singers across all ages, who put just as much enthusiasm into socialising as singing and playing musical instruments. We are dedicated brethren bonded by the same goal of leading the entire church in worshipping our God in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:23-24)

The Beautiful Judaists take care of the music and worship needs of the church. They are driven by a vision to create an energetic atmosphere for the manifest presence of God in every service.

  • We are Passionate...
  • Passionate about relationship...
  • Passionate about Leadership...
  • Passionate about excellence...
  • Passionate about discipline...
  • Passionate about maximising potential...
  • Passionate about creativity and diversity...

We welcome talented volunteers for both the instruments and singing. For enquiries contact

We exist to ensure that members receive adequate support and encouragement, particularly during moments of difficulty. The Contact Network is a unique welfare scheme of Beautiful Gate, Glasgow that is completely dependent on the contribution of members of the congregation - being our ‘brother‘s keeper‘ - who, in looking out for other members, enable our pastoral care team to cater for their specific needs and lend appropriate support.

Jesus said, "whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you have done to me" (Matthew 25:40)."

If you, therefore, know anyone who you think may need support and encouragement, or you have noticed a fellow member has not been to service for a while, please fill out the Contact Network Form available with the Ushers, so we can offer our support to them. For enquiries, please contact us at

The Community Service Responsibility International (CSRI) is a planned ministry with the focus on improving our Corporate Social Responsibility by getting involved in charity works across different communities locally and internationally. The ministry is made of two units namely:

  • Heart and Hands Team (H&H): This unit helps immigrants in all categories to settle down with little or no challenge within the Glasgow community. The group also offer supports to individuals and families with challenges to help them live their God’s purpose responsibly within the community. Kindly contact h& for more details.
  • Social Action Group (SAG): This unit work mainly with corporate and public institutions involve in third sector activities of the community. The unit also offer advisory support to young adults and professional to enable them to chart their paths through life and become a impactful member of the community. For further enquiries, please contact

These two units with specialised programs offer supports to individuals and other charity organisations that share the same values as Beautiful Gate, Glasgow; spreading the Gospel through meeting the needs of others. If you share in our passion of impacting our world through good deeds, please contact the church office or

This ministry aim to use dance and drama as a tool for worship and exaltation. We are committed to promoting the gospel using various forms of dance and drama as tools of evangelism to different age groups and cultures while also entertaining the audience. One of its main goals is to enhance the worship experience at Beautiful Gate, Glasgow; as well as seeking various avenues through which the Gospel can be ministered through drama.

For more information, contact dance&

The Evangelism Department in obedience to Mark 16 vs11 …… “And he said unto them, go ye into the entire world, and preach the gospel to every creature …. works toward the development of compassion and burden for soul winning by every individual member of Beautiful Gate, Glasgow. We know that not everyone is called to be an evangelist, but all are called to witness. We go out regularly into the community to witness, as a group, one-2-one and door-2-door.

We meet every Saturday at 12noon for Bible study and prayers focused on becoming effective witness The training sessions are open to everyone, both members and non-members of Beautiful Gate, Glasgow who are interested in winning souls, but do not know how to go about it and those who do but want to be more effective in winning souls.

The meetings are held in a relaxed , friendly, and informal atmosphere, we pray, share testimonies about our successes in soul winning and discuss the challenges that we face when witnessing in the world; we watch various training DVD’s, role play and discuss the application of the truth we’ve learnt and how to apply it. Refreshments are always served. The evangelism unit contacts people through work, leisure, and community link, they lead Christian Outreach and parish mission and also encourage others in evangelism. We go out every other Saturday and put what we have learnt into practice. For more information, contact

The Program Team is charged with the responsibility of organising events within Beautiful Gate, Glasgow, ensuring that all planned events run as smoothly as possible. For more information, please contact

A group of people primarily responsible for following-up on visitors who attend the church service/activities for the first time. We provide information about what we do at Beautiful Gate, Glasgow as a community of Christians and encourage them to join the church. We strive to provide support as well as help them settle into the church and in Glasgow if they are new in the city. The follow-up team also provide support for members of the local fellowship with challenges in their Christian commitment. For more information, please contact us at

And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, this is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. But Jesus said unto them, they need not depart; give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, we have here but five loaves, and two fishes. He said, Bring them hither to me. (Matthew 14:18-21)

The primary function of this unit is to support the mission of the church with responsibilities for ensuring the welfare of church members, visitors, Pastors and Guest Ministers. They also cater for meetings and other events in church, where refreshments are required. With Jesus by their side, they feed so many people after the church service with a little provision. They ensure dietary requirements are built into menus and that all refreshments are prepared in a clean and hygienic manner. Volunteers and supporters are welcome. For more information, please contact

This department is made of trained teachers as well as other volunteers who serves as Class helpers. The department is made of toddlers (2-5 years old) and older children of about 5-12yrs. RCCG Beautiful Gate, Glasgow’s Junior church has a thriving children’s work on Sundays and as well as lots of special events during the year. On Sundays, the children are assisted to learn about the Holy Bible, the parables and stories in it and friendship with Jesus Christ while studying. They listen to children music and see movies of bible stories either via projectors or television set.

Our activities on Sundays in the Junior church include times of Praise and prayer, questions and answers, craft, drama, and games. We build a sense of relationship and friendliness in the Junior Church so that the children can relate well with their tutors and mates for support and fun. “We also encourage the children to tell their friends about Jesus, through the parables he thought and all the miracles he performed. We host regular parties for members’ birthdays on Sundays, and non-church friends come around to have a memorable taste in the celebration. If you are interested in getting involved in the children’s work at the Junior church - whether as a Helper, Tutor and Supporter or as a child - then do get in touch through.

For enquiries contact Cheers!

The Reception team at Beautiful Gate, Glasgow serves as the first point of contact for Guests to our Worship service. This department provides an introduction to the church and strives to ensure that all newcomers are made welcome and return back as regular worshippers.

For more information, please contact us at

Cleanliness they say is next to Godliness. These are dedicated diligent men and women who are devoted to making God’s sanctuary and its environment clean, tidy, and beautiful. Asides these, they tidy up the Church offices, provide Convenient facilities i.e., clean toilets and Safe keep lost or forgotten items in the church.

For further enquiries please contact

The Beautiful Gate ushers are responsible for ushering members of the congregation into designated areas assigned for them. We are usually very alert and strategically placed around the aisles during church services to ensure they attend to the needs of the congregation effectively and efficiently with very minimal disruption to the service.

"Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." (Psalm 84 vs10).

We are forerunners and door keepers, who welcome people with pleasant smiles, a warm welcome, and direct them to comfortable seats. We make sure that perfect order is kept in and around the church at all times during the services.

We assist the Pastor to make the service a success by putting the congregation in the right frame of mind to receive the message.; they receive the order of the day from the Pastor; they see that the church heaters are in proper condition and church literature, offering/ tithe envelopes, and any other items that are to be distributed to the congregation are in order.

Our group through prayers and trainings make efforts to show kindness to members and guests of the church. We take responsibilities for maintaining orderliness and keeping the Church in a decent and presentable condition. As ushers, we introduce visitors to the church by having them sign a visitor’s card.

We are also responsible for collecting tithes and offerings. New members are welcome, for more information as regards this unit, please contact the team leaders or any of the members or make enquiries through

The Technical Unit within our church is a dedicated team committed to ensuring that every aspect of our worship services and events is supported by cutting-edge technology. Comprising five specialized units—Sound, Audio-Visual, iReach, Graphics, and Post Production—our Technical Unit works seamlessly to create immersive and engaging experiences for our congregation.

  • Sound Unit: Our Sound Unit is responsible for delivering crystal-clear audio, ensuring that every word spoken and every note sung is heard with utmost clarity. From setting up microphones and speakers to adjusting sound levels during services, this unit ensures that the auditory experience is of the highest quality.
  • Audio-Visual Unit: The Audio-Visual Unit enhances our worship services and events by incorporating visual elements that complement the message being shared. From projection of lyrics, to illustrative images & emphasis of notes, this unit creates an immersive environment that enhances engagement and understanding.
  • iReach: In today's digital age, our Internet Reach unit ensures that our message extends beyond the walls of our church building. Through strategic use of social media platforms and online content creation, this unit helps us connect with a wider audience, fostering community engagement and spreading our message of love and faith.
  • Graphics Unit: The Graphics Unit adds a visual dimension to our church's communication materials, including posters, flyers, and digital signage. With a keen eye for design and creativity, this unit produces visually appealing content that communicates our message effectively and captures the attention of our congregation.
  • Post Production Unit: Our Post Production Unit adds the finishing touches to our recorded content, ensuring that it is polished and professional. From editing sermon recordings to producing promotional videos, this unit helps us share our message beyond the confines of our physical gatherings, reaching individuals wherever they may be.

Together, these five units form the backbone of our Technical Unit, working tirelessly behind the scenes to support and enhance the worship experience for our congregation. Their dedication to excellence and innovation ensures that our church remains at the forefront of utilizing technology to spread the message of love, hope, and faith. If your interest is in Multimedia, kindly contact

The Power House is the Prayer Coordinating Team of Beautiful Gate, Glasgow. The Christian life is anchored on prayers which forms a vital part of our communion with God. There is a common saying that Jesus started and ended His earthly ministry with prayers. We therefore strive to make greater commitment to this vital part of our daily walk with Christ our Lord.

What is prayer? Prayer is simply just talking to God. It is one of the greatest tools one can have, because it opens the door to a dialogue with God. Praying is like talking to your best friend! It’s easy and not complicated. The Power House is here to give you more information on How to pray, Why you should pray, When to pray and much more... We also share practical examples on the resulting effects of prayer and reflection of Prayer on your relationship with God.

The Power House is open for prayers every Monday from 6:30pm to 7.30pm , while the Church Hall is open for personal prayers and meditations from 1:00pm to 2:00pm, every day of the week apart from Mondays and Sundays.

It is easy to misunderstand prayer, how to use it, and its purpose and function. Regardless of what one prays for, prayer has only one true function. Regardless of what one seeks, God is the only Source, and your prayer opens the door to Him. Though we are all instructed to pray and that forms our aspiration in Beautiful Gate, Glasgow. However, if you have developed a burden to pray more especially in advancing the Kingdom of God and you desire to see it realised, please email your interest to

The Protocol Ministry is the resident protocol and guest management service team at Beautiful Gate, Glasgow. Our core values are spirituality without compromise and integrity in ministry. We are a vibrant, calm, and collected bunch of individuals who are bound together by God’s love and our passion to serve with excellent. We consider it a privilege to serve Pastors and visiting guest ministers in the capacity we do.

What We Do: At the Protocol Ministry, we provide support for the in-house pastors and guest ministers, ensuring that they are well taken care of for the duration of their visit or ministering engagement.

Through our guest management service arm, we provide transit services for all ministering guest ministers. In all that we do as a team, we endeavour to leave a taste of order and excellence with exceptional service and hospitality. For more further enquiries, please contact

The Publishing Ministry of The Beautiful Gate, also known as BGG Publishers Glasgow exists to proclaim the eternal gospel hope to the world in this generation through the use of print media. Our Ultimate mission is to:

  • Elevate and dignify people through a better life –physical, social and spiritual– preparing them for Kingdom citizenship both in this present world and world to come.
  • Encourage and equip everyone to share the good news of Jesus and His second coming.
  • Strengthen personal faith through spiritual nourishment that comes from sharing the light with others.

The BGG Publishers is the department responsible for the production of Beautiful Gate, Glasgow publications, such as the church's official monthly magazine, as well as Evangelical Tracts. It consists of writers, editors and designers who volunteer their talents across a range of roles and responsibilities. For more enquiries contact

The Service Management team is responsible for co-ordinating all aspects of service within Beautiful Gate, Glasgow. Service Management also looks at how the various departments depend on each other with the hope of using technology to process elements which make up many of their services.

The aim of this department is to achieve a common understanding within the church through managing service level expectations, delivering and supporting desired results. For more information, please contact

The transportation ministry aims to ensure an efficient and hospitable service for its passengers at its designated pick-up points.

For more information, please contact

The treasury department is responsible for accounting for and processing all donations given to the church by all attendees. Whilst following the appropriate processes, this department is also responsible for documenting and auditing the usage of church funds.

For more information, please contact

This is an arm of the Youth Ministry dedicated to making the Gospel relevant to teenagers between the ages of 13 and 16. We strives to encourage teenagers to connect with God and one another, and also learn how to live life well The group derives its drive from 1st Timothy 4:12 which says, "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity."

The group derives its drive from 1st Timothy 4:12 which says, "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity."

The coordinators are committed to encouraging the teens to serve God, grow in faith and make a difference in school and the larger community. Our services hold in the current Teens’ Worship Centre and runs concurrent with the family services

The Youth Forum of Beautiful Gate Glasgow focuses on engaging and guiding young people in their faith journey through Bible studies, fellowship events, service projects, and retreats tailored to the needs and interests of youths and young adults. The goal is to help them grow spiritually, build community, and develop a deeper relationship with God.

They are provided with a platform for the expression of their gifts.

Through intentional engagement, they build faith, identity and character as they are guided towards a deeper relationship with God.

We recognise the need for our leaders to remain accessible to discuss various issues affecting our lives. “The Life Fountains “ allows them to do just that by providing a virtual wall where they can post their thoughts about discussion topics you have always wanted to k now more about.

Take a look and see if there is anything that may be of interest to you. You never know, you may find that life-changing answer you or someone you know needs. Get answers to life pertinent questions

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69, James Street, Glasgow. G40 1BZ. United Kingdom.

01415546877 / 07577684797

01415546877 / 07577684797

Our Mission

We exist to reflect the glory of God in our daily lives and relationship with people. We are redeemed into the Kingdom of God here on earth for this one purpose. We are created to worship God privately and corporately as a family.


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